KAS Recruiter Articles
The resume is at the crux of any successful job hunt, especially in today’s job market. Years ago, calling your recruiter or mailing your resume express may have been a good idea. Though, times have changed.
The birth of e-mail and electronic records means that mailing a resume on fancy stock paper is a waste, and may even burden the company that needs to input your information into their system.
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And with hundreds of applications, most hiring managers would be annoyed to be interrupted by phone calls when you could’ve simply sent an e-mail.

In conjunction with a fantastic cover letter, the few seconds a hiring manager spends on your resume is your prime chance to make an impression.
Our recruiting team has seen this become a difference between an interview and rejection.
Resumes for Sales Professionals
Business development professionals in particular need to dedicate time and effort towards an impressive resume. It reflects on their work ethic, cultural savvy, and presentation skills, all of which directly speak to how well you’ll perform at your job.
Below are three key factors our sales recruiters have put together to consider when constructing a sales resume.

Proper, Descriptive English
With automatic spellcheck, a poorly written resume with misspellings and grammatical errors suggest that an applicant is lazy or technically incompentent. Neither bode well in business development. Our recruiters suggest that you ensure your writing is perfect and if possible, have a third party proofread.
Do not be vague on your sales resume. Never depend on your employer to be optimistic about information you leave out. Hone in on what qualities, actions, or accomplishments make you the best fit for that specific job at that specific company.
Vagueness on a resume may signify that you have something to hide or cannot pinpoint what your audience needs to hear.
Lastly, the format needs to be compelling. Online tutorials are everywhere, so a messy resume says you’re unable to use technology or too lazy to do web research. Length is part of this, too.
In sales, you present effectively and know how much is too little or too much. A clear resume of 1-2 pages with easily scanned, retainable information is your best bet for getting noticed.
Good resumes from any industry need to be well-written, but sales resumes in particular can rely a lot on numbers. For example, there’s a paramount difference between “managed sales team” and “actively managed sales team of 10 senior level sales representatives with an annual quota of $10.5 million.”
The second is clearer and more eye-catching. Plus, giving specifics will better help the hiring manager determine if you’re a fit for the company. Make sure you put your sales numbers, percentages, and list your annual quotas in a way that the hiring manager will quickly be able to pick up on.
Sales Buzz Words
For your sales resume, here are some key words that sales recruiting parties love to see. Obviously, you shouldn’t meaninglessly litter your resume with these phrases, but if any of them apply, make sure you incorporate them clearly into your descriptions:
· Sales hunter
· Road warrior
· Cold-calling
· Prospecting
· New business acquisition
· Networking
· Sales leadership
· C-level salesmanship
Remember, a resume isn’t just a bland rundown of everything you’ve ever done. It’s a marketing tool designed to present your abilities and highlight accomplishments.
Creating a good sales resume requires the same skills as being a good sales professional: pinpointing what is effective for your audience, presenting it in a way that’s easily accessible. Here are the best options as listed by PortableACNerd.com