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KAS Articles

How Social Media is Changing Marketing Jobs

by Ken Sundheim

Running a sales, marketing and social media recruiting firm, I consistently see shifts in how the job market is changing, whether it be alterations in salary, a fluctuation in who's hiring and who is firing, and changing priorities of employers in those spaces.

Aside from the 2007-2008 crash, since I started KAS Placement, I have yet to see any technology or variable change the hiring as much as social media, in terms of how much it continues to evolve as a technology as well as a hiring mechanism for companies of all sizes.

Social Media Changes on Jobs

1. Google+ - Google+ is changing the way that companies must interact and be involved in the social media realm.

Not only has Google Local been integrated into Google+, but it is imperative for any company that hopes to be competitive in search engine optimization to be actively involved and engaged.

Six months ago social media was predominately a necessity for only direct-to-consumer and SEO companies. Now all must pay attention to the social media sites, including those seeking a job in marketing.

2. Tangible Marketing Skill Sets - Marketing used to be very "creative" and it was harder for employers to determine who was and who wasn't the producer in their marketing department. Not anymore.

Things such as Twitter followers, Google+ engagement, Facebook likes and company Pinterest interest are allowing employers to decipher who are the winners and which social media employees can't justify their paychecks.

No longer can the marketing professional blame the sales team for the lack of revenue generation after a failed marketing campaign. Numbers don't lie and numbers are what social media is made of.

3. Opens Up More Marketing Jobs - For companies of all sizes, as stated above (worth stating again because of its importance), social media including the new Google+ is a must.

Now, since Google+ just came out (relatively speaking), not many marketing professionals know how to engage their audience via the search engine giant's new platform. This can be an "in" for prospective employees who can use their system and who can use it effectively.

The increasing popularity of Pinterest will also have the same effect and will increase demand for younger marketing job seekers who naturally have these skills.

If You're Looking for a Social Media Job

If you're looking for a social media job or simply a job in marketing you must know all the social media outlets.

There is no exception to this rule. Nearly all employers hiring marketing personnel through KAS Placement want these skills and if you don't currently have them, make sure you obtain them.

In the End

Social media is inarguably here to stay and will end up being positive for marketing job seekers around the country. Remember that social media is not brain surgery, therefore if you're looking for a job, there is no excuse not to learn it.

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Ken Sundheim, social media recruiters, digital media headhunters recruiting social media, staffing agency social media