Questions to Ask on a Sales Interview
You should aim to leave every interview that you go on with the thought that you did not only interview well, but that you started and participated in an informative, collaborative and professional conversation.
Without collaboration, you cannot gauge how you are doing in the interview, and thus will fail to adjust things such as tone of voice or body language accordingly.
1. What traits do successful employees possess?
We all know what traits make most job seekers successful, but not many know to ask this interview question.
This is a perfect question to ask if you feel that you are being bombarded as it will get the interviewer speaking and, thus even out the conversation rather than being spoken to for the duration...a mundane hour for both sides of the table.
2. What, if any research can I do when I get home to possibly increase my chances of being successful if I'm chosen for a 2nd interview?
Besides giving you 2nd and, possibly final round interview preparation that most likely won't be given to all applicants, asking this question will make you appear to be more engaged with the company than other potential job seekers.
The majority of those interviewing are overly concerned with what the employer can do for them.
Rather, be concerned as to how you could earn the job from the employer. More Questions to Ask on a Sales Interview
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