Intelligent Job Seeker Brings Insight and Ideas That Work...Quickly
Please fill out the contact form and your Career Advisor will contact you in setting up your own IJS access portal.
Who is eligible for a free trial of Intelligent Job Seeker?
*In most circumstances, candidates who are currently in the interviewing process with a client of KAS Placement’s recruiting division are not eligible to purchase or receive free advice from Intelligent Job Seeker.
How Long Will My Complimentary Access Last?
Based upon your specific career goals, work history and job preferences, your Personalized Career Advisor will provide you with two weeks of access to the job reference portal best suited to your needs.
When the Trial is Up, How Do I Purchase IJS
After you fill out the form, a career advisor will send you a free sampling of Intelligent Job Seeker content. When you are ready to purchase the remaining content, that same career advisor will send you a personalized invoice depending upon the services requested. Fees are one-time and are not recurring.
Is Participation Necessary to Work with the Recruitment Team?
Participation or lack thereof will have no bearing on whether an applicant will be considered for a job through our recruiting division, KAS Placement. However, applicants who are currently in the interviewing process with our recruitment clients are ineligible.
How long does it take to receive the content?
Because all the content is unique to your career goals and nothing is automated, the delivery time is typically two days for all the content.
How Do I Contact My Career Advisor?
Our Career Advisors are based in our Midtown Manhattan office and are happy to help. Please email the head U.S. Career Solutions, Scott Abuso for additional program information. [email protected]