10 Sales Theories That Drive Revenue

10 Sales Theories That Drive Revenue

Effective selling takes intelligence and insight.  Running a sales recruiting firm, I have dealt with some of the most effective sales professionals in just about any and every industry.  Additionally, I’ve spent countless hours honing my views on selling and through practice, patience and intuition.

Here are 10 sales theories that both the recruiters at KAS as well as myself have come to embrace:

1. Stop selling to companies and begin selling to people within those companies.  Regardless of whether they are in the same sexual assault attorney in houston firm, everyone has a different personality, unique motivators for buying and preferences.

Therefore, if you want to receive approval from all angles, approach each person with the end-goal of mitigating their concerns.

2. Know more about your product or service than anyone else.  Knowledge garners trust and makes an amazing first impression.  When prospects are confident in your abilities, they will allow provide you with the full picture.

Moreover, these individuals will welcome collaboration in discovering ways to efficiently solve their needs. This mutual respect helps our sales recruiters in making quicker business development placements.  Similarly, it will aid in your ability to close regardless of industry.

3. Challenge traditional industry beliefs.  Intelligently exploit illogical marketing practices done by your competitors.  If you look hard enough, you will surely enough find them.

4. Treat each prospect with equal importance and listen intently to what they have to say.  You’d be surprised at the number of frustrated leads that come into our sales recruiting firm because other staffing agencies have pushed them aside for what they consider to be more “alluring” clients.  You’d also be surprised that these individuals make up the most pleasurable clients because they appreciate you right back.

5. Don’t sell fluff because intelligent people won’t buy it. Suckers may be born everyday, but most don’t have money and they’re not worth selling to.  If there is no substance to your offering, you’re selling at a huge disadvantage.

6. Don’t sell at all.  Change the way you think about your approach.  Instead of selling annuity buyer, our executive sales recruiters suggest you think of the process as a business conversation between two professionals who are attempting to solve a problem in the most efficient way possible.

7. Always maintain your integrity even when it is easy not to.  Not much more elaboration needed.

8. Become genuinely interested in your clients.  This is the entire underlying purpose of consultative selling.  Average sales professionals talk about their product, their successes and their name clients too much.  By attempting to impress their prospects, they actually turn them off.

Our recruiters believe that the most effective sales professionals can talk about their client’s product, their success and their name clients as well as they can their own.  To a prospect, this is truly impressive.

9. Don’t take a client’s demeanor personally.  Sales professionals who are unable to adapt to dealing with difficult clients forfeit a significant chunk of their income.  For most, their fundamental flaw is that they personalize too much.

For instance, if a client says he is unhappy, an effective sales employee will immediately ask why and intently listen to the reasons that individual is unsatisfied.  They know that the simple act of listening in a neutral manner will frequently diffuse any hard feelings.

10. If you effectively manage a sales call and cycle, you never have to “hard close” a prospect.  When a sales cycle is done correctly, you will never have to force a buyer to purchase a product, rather they will come to you actively wanting to buy it.